27 January 2017


A total of 39 sites were monitored across all regions as part of the satellite tagging projects with the highest fledging success rates in the Ballyhouras and the lowest in the Slieve Blooms. A high failure rate in the Blooms, with three pairs failing early in the season and predation proven or suspected in another four cases, contrasted with good nest success rates estimated for the Ballyhouras and Duhallow regions.


23 September 2016
Juv male harrier Fionn at nest in Ballyhouras, Co. Cork, July 2016

This male was tagged on 7/7 at a site in the Ballyhoura Hills, North Cork, at approx. 28 days old. It’s nest site was in dense heather/gorse among 2nd rotation conifers, quite close to a used track high up the mountainside. This male was one of a brood of 3 that fledged successfully from the nest. After fledging he remained in the nest area for some weeks when he could be heard calling/begging for food and being fed by the adult female who was still on site.

23 September 2016
Nest site in Mullaghareirks, July 2016, Nest site in dense bramble/rush in forest ride, Mullaghareirks, July 2016

This female was tagged on the 15th of July at an approximate age of 24-26 days. The nest was located at a traditional bramble and rush site in the Mullaghareirk Mountains in Co. Cork. Monitored by both staff and volunteers as part of IRD Duhallow’s RaptorLIFE project, the chick was in a brood of 2 and was the heaviest of all the 10 chicks tagged this year.

23 September 2016
Juv harrier sat tagged in Mullaghareirks, Co. Kerry, July 2016

As part of this research 10 hen harrier chicks were tagged from ten different nests within the Slieve Blooms, Ballyhouras, Knockmealdown and Mullaghareirks mountains. Recent analysis of the incoming tracking data shows that that at least five of these birds are alive and well. Unfortunately, some of the tags are recording little to no activity (movement) indicating that these birds may have died. To date we have recovered one of the tagged chicks (a female from the Ballyhouras) but the precise cause of death was not conclusive.

23 September 2016
Stephen Murphy with 1st sat tagged harrier in the Ballyhouras, Tagging locations in 2016

Studying Irish hen harriers can be challenging. Many of us have taken part in the most recent national survey (2015) and enjoyed some great days out, perhaps the first sky-dancing male of the season or finding a pair at a new site or the first food-pass and female returning to a nest site. All this helps to give us a more or less complete picture of the status of Irish hen harriers and population trends over time (see Here). What has been shown to date is that nationally the species is declining while one or two subpopulations (eg. Slieve Blooms) appear to be relatively stable over time.

23 September 2016
Hen Harrier Tracker

RaptorLIFE have been busy this summer monitoring hen harrier – a big thank you to all the volunteers who gave up many hours of their time to help out! The season culminated with a total of ten chicks satellite tagged, with four of those from the Duhallow region. This is a joint project between RaptorLIFE, the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the Irish Raptor Study Group.

12 August 2016
Article in the Kerryman

Short-eared owls nesting next door to Kerry?

SIR, I would like to let readers of The Kerryman know more about a very rare bird – the short-eared owl – whose last confirmed breeding location within the Republic of Ireland was in Kerry in 1985. Short-eared owls have been seen on a number of occasions in East Kerry this summer by the RaptorLIFE project at IRD Duhallow (based in Newmarket). The RaptorLIFE project covers the Duahllow baronry which includes parts of North Cork, East Kerry and South Limerick.

12 August 2016
Fighting the invaders Corkman


The Himalayan balsam, which was originally introduced as an ornamental plant has left its presence known as it is now classified as an invasive alien species of EU concern.

However as part of IRD Duhallow’s conservation work, the RaptorLIFE project is fast tackling the invasive species along the 126 kilometres of river, with the ultimate long term aim of eradicating it from the Upper Blackwater Catchment.

08 July 2016
Freshwater ecology workshop

FREE EVENT - Led by Freshwater Ecologist Dr. David McCormick

When: Saturday 13th August 2016 - 11am to 4pm

Where: IRD Duhallow, James O'Keeffe Institute, Newmarket, Co.Cork

- 11am Presentation on Freshwater Ecology

- 12pm lunch provided

- 12:30 Interactive fieldtrip to investigate native fish and freshwater insects


REGISTRATION REQUIRED: If interested please contact the IRD Duhallow RaptorLIFE team on; Phone: 029 60633; Email: john.ballinger@irdduhallow.com


24 June 2016
Removing Himalayan balsam within the Duhallow region

According to the World Conservation Union, invasive alien species are the second most significant threat to biodiversity, after habitat loss. Most introduced species do not become permanently established in their new environment, and of those that do, most never become a problem. However, the odd introduction thrives and flourishes in their new location, and out-competes native plants and animals for food, water and space. The impact of these invasives on native ecosystems, is severe and often irreversible, and can cost billions of euro each year.