So finally as we are coming to the end of the IRD DuhallowLIFE project and the beginning of a new EU LIFE project; RaptorLIFE. To celebrate these two momentous occasions we recently held a two day project conference in Newmarket. Co Cork.
IRD Duhallow cordially invites you to attend the International EU LIFE conference celebrating hands on community participation in nature conservation, on the 21st and 22nd of May 2015. The conference marks the end of the current LIFE project and the commencement of a new RaptorLIFE project. There will be a wide range of interesting speakers including experts from Ireland, the UK, Belgium and Slovenia. The event is free but prior booking is essential.
A key action of the Duhallow LIFE project is to put together a Conservation Plan for the upper portion of the River Blackwater Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and we are looking for input from the public and interested stakeholders to ensure that this plan is relevant, captures the main issues and most importantly provides a practical road map for the conservation of the SAC. Where possible we are looking for solutions rather than just rehashing problems that we all know exist.
New EU LIFE Freshwater Fish Report
Managing our water is essential to support life and protect our ecosystems. A new EPA funded research project was launced at IRD Duhallow which aims to develop and transfer knowledge regarding how we as a community can manage our own water resources for everyones benefit.
Last Thursday (06/11/14) TRAP Project (INTERREG IVc:Cork County Council) and the EPA (Catchments) hosted a workshop to showcase Integrated Catchment Management and practices developed in particular by the Rivers Trusts in the UK. The Duhallow LIFE Project was invited to speak at the event about our own catchment management initiative for the Allow River Catchment and our experiences to date.
Urgent action is required to remove and prevent the spread of invasive plant species like Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam before it is too late. These species are spreading rampantly along roadsides and riverbanks of both Cork City and County, damaging the built and natural environment.
Atlantic salmon, Salmo Salar are a silvery fish and are a member of the fish family salmonidae. Other close relatives in Western Europe are the brown trout and the artic char.