Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar are a silvery fish and are a member of the fish family salmonidae. Other close relatives in Western Europe are the brown trout and the artic char.
The RaptorLIFE project area is in North Cork taking in parts of East Kerry.
Much of the on-the-ground works, wildlife surveying and monitoring and stakeholder engagement will take place within the Stack’s to Mullaghareirk Mountains, West Limerick Hills and Mount Eagle Special Protection Area (SPA – Site Code: 4161). The SPA is designated for the conservation of the Hen harrier.
IRD Duhallow successfully secured its second EU LIFE+ Nature Project in 2014, which commenced February 2015. This €3million LIFE+ project is a 4.5 year project and aims to work with the local community to achieve a better environment for everyone in Duhallow. "Connecting and restoring habitats for Hen harrier, Merlin, Atlantic salmon and Brook lamprey in Duhallow, Ireland".
The first LAG in Ireland to access LIFE funding demonstrates that the Rural Development Company model is suitable for large-scale nature conservation projects.