About Raptor LIFE
IRD Duhallow successfully secured its second EU LIFE+ Nature Project in 2014, which commenced February 2015.
This €3million LIFE+ project is a 4.5 year project and aims to work with the local community to achieve a better environment for everyone in Duhallow. "Connecting and restoring habitats for Hen harrier, Merlin, Atlantic salmon and Brook lamprey in Duhallow, Ireland".
The first LAG in Ireland to access LIFE funding demonstrates that the Rural Development Company model is suitable for large-scale nature conservation projects.
The RaptorLIFE Project was officially launched on the 22nd of May 2015. The event was chaired by Paddy Woodworth of the Irish Times. Guest speakers included representatives from the project’s many stakeholders including Coillte, Cork Nature Network, the Golden Eagle Trust and NPWS.
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Funding the RaptorLIFE Project
IRD Duhallow is the Co-ordinating Beneficiary of this project which is 50% funded through the EU LIFE scheme, which funds conservation and other environmental projects right across Europe. The project is co-funded by the IRD Duhallow RSS and Tús Schemes, through our Associated Beneficiary Pobal.
The SPA and SAC targeted by the project form part of Natura 2000, a network of important sites for wildlife covering the whole of the EU. This network is made up of SPAs for birds and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for other species and habitats. These sites are the 'jewels in the crown' of European nature conservation and are protected under both national and EU law.
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